Back At It

It’s the LAST day of my week long vacation before heading back to work for two weeks straight.  I hadn’t planned on doing much this week. I really just wanted to chill, write, watch a lot of cheesy hallmark movies and be merry. So I know you are wondering “Well what the hell did you do all week?!?! Break it down for us please!!!” So glad you asked!!!

Sunday: I made it home from Nantucket… Barely. The weather was CRAP so they were canceling flights left and right. What did I do when I got home??? I dropped my bags, took off my bra, threw on some sweatpants and ordered take out. WINNING AT LIFE people!!! Winning at life.

Monday consisted of waking at a decent hour and lazing around the house. That didn’t last long though because I was like “I want to go rock climbing!!!” So I called Bridget and she said “Sure ok.” I changed and met her at my apartment and we went to go indoor rock climbing at Brooklyn Boulders. 5pf7QMqhSVKCPACYEmg

We played for two hours!! I was cool with going to the top of the walls. Bridget worked her way up and made it more than half way!!! After two hours of climbing our hands were completely busted!!! What do you do??? GO FOR DRINKS AND TACOS because that makes everything better!!!

After tacos she dropped me at the house and it was time to chill. That meant, clean kitchen, color hair and watch hallmark. When I say color hair that means I bleached it again and turned it a funky new color. I was debating between purple and pink. Since I couldn’t decide which to use… I just used both!!! Now I’m part magical unicorn.

Tuesday: Tuesday consisted of the beginning of new workout adventures. Tuesday was the beginning of arial yoga!!! YOOOOO… BEST WORKOUT.EVER!!!!!! I used muscles that I didn’t even know I had!!! I was doing stuff that I didn’t think was even possible for me!!! I did level one and man oh man. By the time class was over, I could do a pull over and this other funky pull over from sitting position in the silks!!! WHAT?!?!?! Ya girl was a gosh damn rock star!!! I have no video proof but I do have awesome pictures of the silks… as seen below

When class ended I hit chipotle and made it home to watch hallmark, send out a few emails… and did I mention watch hallmark?? Oh and I made cocktails!!! YUM!!! That was basically my night

Wednesday and Thursday were the same as Tuesday but Thursday I tried my hand at level 2 arial yoga. Now listen here… LEVEL 2 IS NO JOKE!!! I wanted to die!!!! I was sweating like a hooker in church!!!! The instructor was trying to get me to use muscles that were just like “Yeh see. What you aren’t going to do is make me function right now” That was the longest hour of my LIFE!!!! Will I go back to level 2?? NO TIME SOON!!! I will stick to level one and the open level classes.

Friday: Friday was the ultimate hang out day. Friday was the annual Coney Island meet up. Its me, Bridget, Chelsea and a WHOLE LOT of foolishness. We basically pack up all beach gear and then we each have our insulated water jugs filled with some kind of alcoholic beverage. Oh and we have snacks. We set up shop next to the outdoor gym area. We turn our towels and everything so we are looking right at the workout area.  We basically just stare at all of the guys that do pushups, handstands and chin ups. Are we creeps?? Lil bit but at least we are nice and not perverts!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! We lay out for hours cracking jokes and hot guy watching. It totally works for us. Well we weren’t even 15 minutes into our fun day when I had a wardrobe malfunction!!! The clasp holding my top decided to give up on all life and BROKE!!! Luckily I was able to cover the tiny boobs in the nick of time!!! After we stopped laughing about it, Bridget was like “Hey I can fix this. I have a paperclip in my beach bag. Who the hell carries a paper clip?? BRIDGET!!!! She sat for a minute calculating everything and then said “I got this.” HOMEGIRL RIGGED MY SWIM TOP!!! THANK YOU BRIDGET!!! We were out there for a little over 4 hours.

Ok so the last picture…  I was watching this gorgeous black guy do pushups and handstands. He was AMAZING and he KNEW I was watching. We all were!!! And that bubble was popped by a short guy with too perfect eyebrows who talked with a slight lisp. Short guy was trying to holla and NONE OF US were interested!!! He did not get the hint though and took it upon himself to have a seat and continue to talk. Because we weren’t trying to be super rude…we lost track of Mr. Hot Black guy that was worth watching. **bangs head on wall** After beach fun, we all split up and headed home. I rode with Bridget though because we had a concert to go to!!! Ben Folds and Cake!!!! I was STOKED!!!! I just wanted Ben Folds to play “Song for the Dumped”… He didn’t BUT he did play “Brick” and that was just as amazing. He put on a super awesome show!!! Then there was Cake and they were AWESOME!!! Bridget LOST.HER.SHIT!!!! They played her jam and she damn near levitated!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! A great night of food and music for the WIN!!!

Saturday: Saturday was a day of reconnecting for me. I got to reconnect with a group of awesome women and have the best afternoon EVER!!! We all met at church and I haven’t seen them in FOREVER because I have been M.I.A. Ooops. Anyway we talked and laughed and drank… A LOT!!!  There was so much love and beauty and encouragement and support and just BLACK GIRL MAGIC LOVE on so many levels!!!!! I am so excited about what is going to come from reconnecting with everyone!!! It was HOT though!!! We were all in dresses but about an hour in… we were so not lady like… at all. All of our dresses were hiked up above the knees!!! LMBO!!! Y’all that heat was so damn disrespectful!!!

After the fun with friends Khrys did something that has not been done in like 4 years. I WENT ON A DATE!!!! Here is the kicker: I ENJOYED MYSELF!!!! SAY WHAT?!?!?!?! Yes y’all. I had a great time on my date. Thats about as elaborate as I am going to get about that date. If anything comes from it then I will let y’all know.

Sunday: Ohhhhhhh Sunday you came too fast!!!! I spent my Sunday with an amazing group of people putting together over 700 sandwiches for those in need. There was nothing but love and good energy you guys and it was AMAZING!!!!

My friend Justin who is not pictured is the most amazing burst of energy EVER!!! He is just the BESTEST EVER!!! He’s also trying to talk me into do a regular road race **insert side eye** But knowing me I’m going to say “SURE YEH I’M GAME!!!” After volunteering I made it home in time to clean up a bit, twist my hair, shower and write out this blog. Now I am going to finish watching this hallmark movie and go to bed so I am bright eyed and somewhat bush tailed in the morning for work. Because tomorrow… We are off to the south of France. Stay tuned…