
There always comes a time in your life when things need to change. Sometimes it’s that your body is used to the same ole routine and needs a little jolt. Sometimes it’s that your body,mind,and soul just need a complete over haul. For me… I needed an overhaul. I have been in NY for pretty much 5 years now and it has been amazing. One amazing family gave me a chance and I took it. They opened the door for me to get here and I ran with it. The thing is that as time went on… I stopped running with it. Everything was work work work work ( In my Rhianna voice). I started dating but even then I was always too tired to really do anything other than order take out and have movie night. I let myself go. So a month ago  I took a chance, walked TOTALLY out on faith… and quit my job. I gave notice and did what I needed to do but it was time and it felt right. It was THE HARDEST thing that I have ever had to do but I did it. I took on another job with a new family. New family dynamic, new hours, new adventures, NEW NEW NEW!!!

I had a little over a week off to get my shit together. If I am changing things up then I have to continue to work on me. I got back in the gym, changed my diet up a bit, and socialized a little bit (just a little). I also did a lot of reorganizing in my apartment. I felt like since I was reorganizing everything else… lets keep the ball rolling.  Me and Amazon Prime have this amazing relationship. I see it, I put it in a basket, I pay and they ship it in two days or sometimes same day!!! Containers to seal and keep dry foods organized, reusable EVERYTHING(trying to do my part with the environment).  I ordered it all!!! Then I was like I need more organizing so lets hit up Ikea. Ikea is also a really good friend of mine. Ikea is the friend that tells you “If you see it and it’s cute… BUY IT!!! Why?? BECAUSE YOU NEED IT!!” “Khrys everyone has a salad spinner except for you… BUY IT!!” “Wait a minute… Are those mixing bowls?? I didn’t see those in your apartment so I’m putting them in your cart. I know you just came for tea lights and some cheap curtains but work with me here. Now lets keep shopping shall we?” Y’all I was looking to spend MAYBE 50 bucks. MAYBE… KEY WORD IS MAYBE!!! 107 dollars later I walked out with 2 bags full of shit!!! All of it was totally needed( I really didn’t need all of it but Ikea said I needed it and I didn’t have the heart to hurt Ikea’s feelings).

After organizing my apartment, and starting to get my life back; it was time to start the new job. When I tell you that I hit the ground running freaking full speed ahead, THATS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!!! I went from 0-2000 in warp speed and LOVED IT!!! I hit the ground running last Friday. Saturday we flew to Atlanta, came back Monday. I had Tuesday off and Wednesday it was off to Miami. Now at this very moment… I’m in Turks and Caicos!!! WHAT?!?!?! Knocking another destination off the ole bucket list. I love to work. Work keeps me fresh and moving but I have to actually enjoy it. I am back to enjoying what I do.

You can’t stay stagnant forever. I got used to where I was and was spinning my wheels without going anywhere. What happens when you just run full speed ahead with out moving forward?? You basically just tire yourself out and that’s what I did. I kept spinning my wheels and basically just wore myself out to nothing. Life is about change. You are not living if you are not constantly evolving.  You are not being true to yourself if you are not moving forward. No one is meant to just settle in one spot and just take what’s handed to them. Thats a waste of time. You will never get that time back. You can’t go back in time and take it back. It’s gone. So do what makes you happy. I felt like I wasn’t making a difference anymore. When I feel like I’m not being a blessing… Then what am I doing?? If I do not feel that I am making a difference then its time  to change things up so that I can continue to do what I was put on this earth to do… Bless wonderful lives every damn day. I’m a helper.

Grab life by the horns and ride it out because I can guarantee the changes that you make for YOU… are totally worth it.
