My Forever Happy Place

What is your happy place? Where is your happy place? Everyone has one or everyone SHOULD have one. My happy place… Is my mind. I can create what I want.  I can be what I want and I can make anything and everything happen in my mind. When my day has been SHIT or the negativity of the world starts to get to me; I escape by going to another place… In my mind. It’s the only way to keep sanity if you ask me. Its super easy and the best part is that it is FREE!!!!  I can close my eyes and imagine the unbelievably best things ever. OH MAH GAH if I have music playing that adds the totally dope soundtrack!

I can go to my room, sit in the middle of my bed, close my eyes and be transported to a different state or even a different country. I can sit outside, close my eyes and instantly be at the beach sipping a cocktail while reading a book and holding hands with the man of my dreams. Sometimes fantasy is better than reality. Maybe thats why I don’t stress about being alone. I am ok being isolated and sometimes I do it on purpose. Its a pretty fabulous talent if I do say so myself. I would do it when I was little, Still do it, and will probably continue to do it for the rest of my days here on Earth.


Author: singleinbrooklynblog

I was 30 something, single and living in Brooklyn when I started this blog. Now I’m 42, moved back to Texas and back to being single. I write a series of books for children based on a character named Bella. Bella and the Great Pictrure Day is the first book in the series. I am an introverted extrovert, love all things donuts and am just a regular ball of sarcasm and sparkle. Welcome to my world!! Sit back, relax and enjoy all of the profanity and shenanigans.

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