I See Ya 42… I See Ya

It has been light years since I’ve actually typed and posted anything. I typed something back in March… Two things actually. All I had to do was hit the “publish” button. Only thing is that I was writing from a place of anger. I was really angry and I was hurt… completely gutted. Because I was angry and hurting, I was bout to put a whole bunch of negativity out there and say “FUCK IT!!! Let the chips fall where they fall!!!” I had screen shots, all pictures uploaded and ret ta go!!!! I was BOUT TA DO IT!!! But then my inner voice said “ AHT AHT… you bet not hit ‘post’. You can write it up and type it out but BITCH YOU BETTA NOT CLICK POST!!! You Bet NOT!!!” I’d already given the situation too much of my time mentally, physically and spiritually. The end of 41 SUCKED!!! Seriously. The last 5 months of being 41 were complete SHIT for me. My last days of 41 I decided that 42 was going to be different. I SET that intention and BAAAAY-BAAAAAAAY!

I decided there was going to be some changes in the year of 42. I was going to be a better person and focus on me rather than focusing on everyone else. Take care of myself instead of everyone else. I am realizing it’s past time for me to start doing things for me. Getting back to loving me, myself, and I. Getting back to doing the things that I like to do. I am learning how to make time and space for me again.

So what did you do Khrys??? How’d you ring in 42?? Well I am so glad that you asked. I brought 42 in with the people that mean the world to me. There was a lot of brunching, a lot of drinking, a lot of love, a lot of laughter, a lot of amazing energy, and just an all around FUCKING GOOD TIME!! I was missing 2 people( part of my Bella Crew) but they are in different states.

My birthday fell on a Monday so I made sure that the weekend before was going to be epic!!! Gotta bring everything in RIGHT!!! So I set the intention of starting work on book 2. Sunday morning I woke early and had a freaking 2 hour phone call with my amazing illustrator. The illustrator that I have the pleasure of working with is a whole ass vibe and I mean that in the best way!!! We were gassin each other up in the most positive of ways. GASSED THE FUCK UP!!! Then to make it even better, she drew a quick mock up that had me in happy tears.

The stories that I create for Bella are all of my happiest childhood memories put to paper. Stephanie Hider somehow reaches in my head and creates everything that I see in my minds eye. I don’t even have to tell her!!! She just knows!!! SHE KNOWS!! When we solidified everything, I had to mark this moment in time. How did I do that?? With ink. My mom came with me for my inking moment. Bella glasses on the right (write)arm… See what I did there?? HA!

Now my actual birthday was spent working. Remember my birthday was on a Monday. Summers are always spent working in France. I also got to spend sometime in Florence and some other part of Italy that I don’t remember but it was really pretty.

This is the first year that I haven’t been completely stressed the fuck out. Normally with work travel I am MISERABLE and STRESSED all the way out from the JUMP. But I am finding out that being single and set free from a lying sack of shit of a trash human really takes a load off… WHO KNEW?!?!?!?! My off days have been spent finding who I am, what I want, what I need and what I am going to do about it. I have been living in my head a lot and not in a bad way. My imagination is wild. It’s either all sunshine, sparkles and rainbows oooorrrrrr the worst possible level of fuckery that you can think of. There is no middle ground here, It’s weird. But I’m used to it. It’s what makes me… me. This time around my thoughts haven’t been going to the deep ends of hell. They’ve been in the glitter sparkle safe space.

What good has come from the glitter sparkle safe space?? Well I AM SOOO HAPPY YOU ASKED… again. I was going to tell you whether you wanted to know or not. ANYWAY I penned a new manuscript for Bella’s series. My imagination has also taken on a complete life of its own at times and I COMPLETELY check out. Where does my imagination go?? Ohhhh it goes to picturing my dream man. The man that is going to love me forever. The man that is going to appreciate my quirky adventure awesomeness. The man that I see in my mind is gosh damn amazing!!! I am a big believer in manifesting what I want. Yup I know what I want and more importantly what I deserve.

My future is a little up in the air and I have an idea of what’s to come but at the same time I have no idea how its going to play out. The queen of random shit has been a bit of a stick in the mud the past few years. That’s all changing though and I am more than ready. Getting my body right,spirit right and goals in place. LETS GO!!!

Hi I’m Khrys and I am back stronger and better than before. Buckle up buttercup because this is about to be one hell of a year.

Oh yeh and I hope you have grabbed your copy of the first book in Bellas series!!! Bella and the Great Picture Day is available EVERWHERE!!! Amazon, Walmart.com, Target.com, Barnes and Noble.com and If you are in Buffalo NY swing by Alice Ever After Books and grab your copy there.

Day 4

I skipped day 3. There was no gym for me but chasing after two kids should count for something right?? I’ll workout tonight. Oh and the challenge from Satan starts back today. My legs aren’t ready. Anyway Yesterday was freaking awesome for me and then something tried to totally suck the awesomeness out of my day. You know how peeved I was??? I had surpassed the highest level of pisstivity.  I had literally went from zen, God is good, Thank you for my amazing day to… WTF just happened?!?!? Ohhhhhh nuh uh!!!!! **snatches out earrings** hold my purse!!! My attitude went allllllll the way left. AAAAALLLLLLLLL THE WAY LEFT!!! I had to sit in silence crocheting a scarf to get back to my happy place. 20 min of straight silence and yarn. I love talking to my mom but she did nothing to calm me… Hell she was hype which hyped me even more. Here’s the thing that I have figured out for myself: When shit starts to hit the fan for no reason. When all is good and then monkey wrenches ar being thrown left and right… It’s because I know something good and awesome is coming. The foolishness is a distraction to make me act a hot ass donkey to lose sight of what is in store for me. It’s when I pop off that I lose whatever awesomeness was meant for me. If I have to sit in silence for 3 damn hours with 8 balls of yarn going then so freaking be it… I might need to make a run to Michaels first so I’m prepared. HAHAHA!!HAPPY DAY FOLKS!!!!!

Staying in my happy!!!
Lost count of what scarf this is